Our festival is meeting of Senior Choirs singing popular, folk and entertainment music but not only!
Before registering please read the rules of the festival:
Download registration form:
Please send registrations or questions to:
e-mail: info@poloniacantat.pl
Please register before 1.03.2025.
Before making any travel arrangements make sure your choir is qualified first.
Before registering please read the rules of the festival:
Download registration form:
Please send applications or questions to: e-mail: info@poloniacantat.pl
Before making any travel arrangements make sure your choir is qualified first.
Please register before 15.01.2026.
Krakow for centuries was a capital of Poland and very important trade, university and culture city. Even after capital was moved to Warsaw, it has never lost its importance.
Krakow is perfectly located in the south of Poland not far from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine and Austria. To Krakow (and nearby Katowice) you can fly from many European cities and thanks to several connecting flights everyday to Warsaw almost from any place in the world. Using the past experience we will advise you the best way how to reach here. See Krakow on the map.
To learn about attractions of Krakow please download either short guide or long guide.
The best way to contact us is by e-mail: info@poloniacantat.pl
We always answer your e-mail although sometimes it can take couple of days to reply as all staff members are active musicians (singers, conductors) and are often engaged in other music projects.
Two weeks before arrival you will also receive a phone number to the volunteer who will take care of your choir during your stay in Poland.
Please send all correspondence by e-mail or by registered air mail to:
All payments send to: (ACCOUNT IN EURO)